晚同牽 Grey and Pride
"晚同牽" 是一個香港年長同志互助團體,我們提供一個對年長同志安全和友善的空間.
Grey and Pride is a mutual support froup for older tongzhi(LGBT+)in Hong Kong. We aim to provide a safe and friendly space for older tongzhi.
宗旨 Objectives :
1. 支援年長同志及協助他們建立正面的身份認同.
Support older tongzhi to establish their positive identities.
2. 提供公眾教育及培訓社福或醫療專業人士,讓他們了解年長同志的需要.
Provide public education and training to social workers and medical professional how best to care for older tongzhi.
3. 讓年長同志認識及爭取他們的權利.
Educate older tongzhi recognize and fight for their own rights.
聯絡 Contact:
Whatsapp / Tel. : 6677 0728
Facebook : 晚同牽 / Gay & Grey
Email : gaygreyhk@gmail.com
請支持我們 Please support us:
請捐款為年長同志出一分力. 所有善款將用作晚同牽的活動項目及服務經費.
Please donate to help older tongzhi. All donations go to the program activities and support services of Gay & Grey.
捐款銀行 Bank : 匯豐銀行 HSBC
帳戶號碼 Account: 112-547898-001
帳號名稱 Payee: 晚同牽 / Gay&Grey
電話號碼 |
6677 0728 |
WhatsApp |
(+852) 香港 6677 0728 |
Facebook |
Instagram |